Proven STALIF®
Implant Design—
Now in a 3D-Printed
All-Titanium Solution

Combining 30-years of Integrated Interbody™ clinical success along with the benefits of 3D-printed titanium, Centinel Spine remains the leader in stand-alone solutions today.

Learn More About the FLX™ 3D-Printed, Porous Titanium Material Technology Option for STALIF and ACTILIF Devices

See More About FLX

FUSE-THRU™ Trabecular Scaffold

Our FUSE-THRU Trabecular Scaffold is bioengineered to allow the potential for bony in-growth, on-growth, and thru-growth. This lattice structure, with a device stiffness similar to cortical bone, is intended minimize stress shielding and enhance the fusion process.

Above: A close-up view of the FUSE-THRU Trabecular Scaffold.
Radiolucent Advantage

A combination of solid and porous, radiolucent FUSE-THRU titanium sections are designed to reduce to imaging artifacts and improve visibility as compared to solid titanium implants—enhancing intra-operative visualization, as well as enabling superior post-operative fusion assessment.

Above: A fluoroscopic image of a 2-Level STALIF M FLX™ procedure.

STALIF Technology

Combining the optimal qualities of 3D-printing and texturized surfaces with the proven benefits of our STALIF device designs, FLX implants utilize unique integrated compressive lag fixation to enhance stability and compress endplates to the cage and graft material—in-line with AO principles of fracture fixation and Wolff’s Law of Bone Healing.

In Multiple Material Options:

Now Available:

Our Products:

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The Story of Centinel Spine

Watch this short primer on Centinel Spine and its unique and extraordinary place as a catalyst of change in the spine industry—with pioneering technologies and a clinical history that have led to successes ranging from PGA champions to a growing list of surgeon-patients.